Sunday, December 30, 2012

Absolute Obedience

There's a lot of things I love about following Jesus. But my favorite is probably being obedient, for a number of reasons actually.
I love that when I say an emphatic "YES!" to Jesus, He always blesses me. And when He blesses me, it's always a reminder that I'm doing the right thing. I know I'm heading down the right path.
When I see Him bless me or pull things together for my good, it clicks with me that this is what I should be always doing. I should always be obedient to Him because trying to do it on my own just isn't an option. I might think it is at the time but it sure as heck isn't an option. My life never turns out like I want it to and it always ends up in some kind of twisted, shambled mess. When I finally let go and surrender, He honors that.
And I don't always put 'two and two' together right in the moment. It can take anywhere from a few hours after the event to a month later for me to realize that Jesus blessed me because I said 'Yes' to Him. Because I was obedient to what He called me to do. That feeling of realization that comes with that? You can't compare it to anything. It's incredible, finally realizing that 1. You DON'T have to do it on your own anymore. 2. His grace IS enough. And 3. He ALWAYS honors our obedience.
So why don't we do it in the first place? Because we get cocky. We think after a while that we don't necessarily need to surrender everything to Him. That we can do it because we seem to be treading water nicely in the moment. And then something goes wrong. And that's when we are humbled again and we come back to the point of surrender.
Jesus doesn't intend for surrender to be a 'one and done' type of deal. He intends for us to surrender ourselves over and over and over and over again. Until we're blue in the face. Until the cows come home. Until pigs fly. I think you catch my drift.
My point is that you don't have to have a plan when you surrender. You just have to have enough faith that when you do surrender, God will lead you into a better unknown then you had planned yourself. And He'll bless you along the way. He'll tie things together in ways you can't even imagine. I literally cannot fathom how great and powerful and all-knowing my King is.
And you know what? That's okay. We don't have to be able to fathom it. We just have to be able to rest in it, enjoy it, and continue surrendering.
At least that's my plan!

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